Thursday, July 07, 2005

State of the World

Today the US news media is delighting in the tragedy of the London terrorist attacks. Nothing like death and destruction topped with a subtle "I-told-you-so" to boost ratings. Today the world should be discussing the G-8 Summit with its goal to eliminate extreme poverty in Africa and southeastern Asia. Instead, we are again forced to endure images of horror, compliments of a cowardly band of criminals who claim to have some religious point to prove. News flash to Islamic terrorists and those who sympathize with them - if there is a Hell you have no need to call ahead for reservations. Bastards. If anything good comes from this latest attack, it is that the Western AND Eastern World's resolve to fight terrorism will solidify. Today, radical Islamic terrorists demonstrated their values - murder, chaos, hatred. In response to this, the civilized nations of the world MUST demonstrate their values of hope, charity, and love by not deviating from the agenda of the G8 Summit.

P.S. - To all of you radical Islamic terrorist supporters who read my Blog -- SCREW YOU, you spineless pieces of worthless garbage.

Hi Taylor.

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