Sunday, June 19, 2005

Liberal humanitarian monopoly

I am tired. Sick and tired. Sick, tired, and pissed off. I am a conservative, middle class, white, male professional which means that I am typically pissed off at the liberal media and the garbage that they try to pass off as objective journalism. Today, I am pissed off at conservative America. Shame on you. Why am I upset at you? Because you have consistently allowed the “mainstream” liberal media to give credit where credit is not necessarily due. Let me illustrate my point. When I ask the average American who cares about the poor, Republican or Democrat, what answer will I get? Democrat. Who cares about the AIDS epidemic in Africa, conservative or liberal? Liberal. Who gives a crap about freaking starving kids in Malawi, pachyderms or donkeys? Dumb asses. Not them – YOU. These false generalizations have been so wrongly engrained into our collective social thought that many conservatives find themselves thinking that they actually have to stand against starving kids in Africa to avoid ostracism from their own party. This is absolute nonsense! Its time for a reality check – liberals do NOT possess a monopoly on humanitarian goodness. At the risk of making some mildly hypocritical generalizations of my own, let me continue. When you are flipping through channel after channel of reality T.V. garbage, who do you see on those commercials begging you to help fight disease and extreme poverty? Christians. Those bastards are at it again. How dare they move in on the supposed liberal humanitarian monopoly. The truth is, Christian groups have been on the front lines of humanitarian relief as long as there has been such a thing. How can this be? Between commercials, “reality” television tells me that Christians are backwards, superstitious, and racist. This July, the G8 will meet in Scotland with a primary objective of improving the conditions of extreme poverty on the continent of Africa. As he has done many times in the past, George Bush has made his commitment to this cause clear. Where are the media parades and the collective kumbaya a Hillary Clinton or Oprah Winfrey would get for such action? Conservatives must speak out in support of G.W. on this one and force the media to listen. We cannot continue to allow the perceived monopoly on humanitarianism.

Want to add your voice against poverty? Check out I promise you won’t get liberal cooties.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Today I decided to allow a good friend of mine to choose the topic of my next post. With a chuckle he chose, "Oprah Winfrey". He knows me. I am a conservative white male - a fact that defines me as a racist, sexist pig. Do I watch the Oprah Show? No. Will I ever? Not likely. Her feministic optimism threatens the protective shell of pesimissm which defines my masculinity. Oprah was recently nominated as one of the 100 greatest Americans in history. As a white, middle-class male I obligated to be offended that a black woman has been nominated for this award while some of the country's finest dead white men have been overlooked. Time for a reality check my friend.

The world needs more Oprah Winfreys. While I certainly do not consider myself a fan of the celebrity, I recognize the sincerity of her efforts to help the less fortunate of the world. This is a refreshing change from the onslaught of profane nonsense that the television networks successfully sell as "reality". Oprah is one of the most influencial and financially successful women in the world, and she has chosen to use her resources to help others. While primetime reality television continues to cater to a society of fools, Oprah attempts to quietly help women deal with the real world - spouse abuse, substance abuse, mental illness, poverty, starving kids in Africa. Her particular approach certainly doesn't appeal to my inate angry white maleness, but I can forgive her this as she is, after all, neither angry nor a white male. So my friend, that's what I think of Oprah Winfrey.

Oh, and before I forget, Donald Trump, Dan Rather, and Michael Savage can kiss my white ass.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Why did I decide to begin a journey into the abyss of the Blog? I am tired of it all. Tired of Michael Jackson. Tired of Paris Hilton and reality television. Most of all, I am tired of today's news media which has lost its sense of journalistic purpose to join the ranks of the entertainment industry. I must ask the question, "when is enough, enough?"

Today, the autopsy report of Terri Schiavo is front page news. With all due respect to Terri's family, why must we continue to dwell on the death of one terminally ill handicapped woman while we ignore the 30,000 people who starve to death each day? Enough is enough. For the last 4 months, the nation has been glued to their seats watching Michael Jackson face trial for child molestation. Did the press use the opportunity to comment on the fact that about 1 million U.S. children are the victims of abuse and neglect each year? They did not. Modern "journalism" in the United States has joined the ranks of the entertainment industry - just another version of "reality" television. The liberal media is guilty. The conservative talk shows are guilty. Our society is guilty. I am guilty. Genocide, rape, child abuse, starvation, poverty -- this is our world. It's time to recognize it. I'ts time to take responsibility for it.

I am not a hippie or a tree-hugger. I am not a liberal. I am a religious white male who is a professional in the U.S. Army. I am a poster boy for white middle-class America. Based on my self-description, the liberal media would infer that I am a person who cares about wealth and self, with complete disregard to the world around me. Society may accept this assumption, but I do not. I would argue that the label that I have been given is a perfect description of the news media itself. The media would have us believe that they give a crap. The fact is they do give a crap - about the almighty dollar.